President: Sister Brenda Peppers
Vice President: Trustee Glenn A. Hardison, Sr.
Mission: A church
usher has a true love for the people of the church and promote
an atmosphere of
reverence and worship in the house of God.
An usher’s theme
verse is Psalms 84:10 “I would rather be a doorkeeper
in the house of my God than
dwell in the tents of the wicked” and Proverbs 8:34
“Blessed is the one who listens
to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting
beside my doors."
Vision Statement: Taking pride in our ministry and being well equipped to
welcome people as they are, no matter their station in life. Welcoming and
greeting with a spirit of caring, kindness and love.
We are the Doorkeepers in the House of God
Usher is a person who is people-oriented, has a willingness to serve, and whose Christian inner beauty shines through. Ushers
are people with a dedication and commitment to serve and possess a servant
What We Do
- Greet people as they arrive
- Distribute Bulletins
- Answer
visitors questions
- Assist
people with special needs
- Distribute
fans and birthday ribbons as needed
- Escort
parents and children to nursery and/or youth children’s church
- Direct
congregation and collect the offering
- Strive to minimize distractions
- Ensure lighting in vestibule and sanctuary are adequate
- Ensure
sanctuary temperature is comfortable and adjust as needed
- Check Restrooms for adequate lighting and
- Collect
Communion cups after Communion Service
the sanctuary after each service

What We Do
- Greet people as they arrive
- Distribute Bulletins
- Answer visitors questions
- Assist people with special needs
- Distribute fans and birthday ribbons as needed
- Escort parents and children to nursery and/or youth children’s church
- Direct congregation and collect the offering
- Strive to minimize distractions
- Ensure lighting in vestibule and sanctuary are adequate
- Ensure sanctuary temperature is comfortable and adjust as needed
- Check Restrooms for adequate lighting and cleanliness
- Collect Communion cups after Communion Service
- Tidy the sanctuary after each service
Monthly Meeting/Annual Event
- Thursday at 6:00 PM before 2nd Sunday
Annual Event
- Ushers Anniversary 4th Sunday in September at 4:00 PM