Health Tips from the doctors Point of View
Wanda B. Sanders, DNP, APRN, AGPCNP-BC
December 2018

December is National Toy/Gift Safety Month
Tis the season of gift giving. Parents and well-meaning family members want children to have the best of the best in all the toys available on the market. However, in the rush to get the most sought-after toy, safety tips are overlooked or ignored. Each year many children are taken to the emergency department after swallowing toys that were too small (Healthtradition, 2018). This has also led to many emergency operations to remove batteries or other objects that small toddlers put in their mouth. When choosing toys we must think safety first, then the age and population for which we are purchasing the toy/gift. Before you start your shopping spree for your sweet toddler or other children, keep these safety tips in mind:
· Read the label on the toy to check appropriate age
· Read the label to check appropriate developmental stage
· If there is no label attached; ask associate, check website, or do not purchase
If purchasing for a toddler, never assume he/she can not put objects in their mouth
· Do not purchase toys with long ropes, strings, or cords for children under 5 y/o.
· When purchasing crayons or markers, unless they say NON-TOXIC or water proof.
· Do not purchase toys with sharp edges or pointy ends.
· When purchasing flying or shooting toys, never leave children unattended.
· When purchasing sports toys, i.e. skates, bikes, skateboard’s, or hover boards, please purchase an appropriate fitting helmet.
We know safety tips for possible unsafe toys, now let’s discuss the safer options:
· Purchase toys that require your children to interact with others.
· Purchase toys that promote critical thinking (puzzles, books, coloring)
· Purchase toys that have texture, sounds, or movement.
· If purchasing electronic toys (tablets, laptops, telephones), ensure that parental controls are set, monitor access to social media, and set a time limit for access.
Remember to practice proper hand hygiene ALL the time, although it is holiday season, it the best time to pick up colds, Flu and gastrointestinal (stomach bug) from all of the parties. Please enjoy this joyous season comerating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!