"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Welcome to Best Grove's Nursery!
Open each Sunday at 10:45am
What we believe:
- Every child can experience the wonderful love of God through the nursery ministry
- We can plant seeds through stories, art and creative teaching
- Love speaks volumes to children
- Interacting with the children as they play is a great way to communicate (preach) Christ
Our goals:
- To establish an atmosphere of love and laughter for young children so they may experience the love of Christ
- Promote a Christ-centered atmosphere
- To encourage children in the early years to help prepare each child's heart to receive Christ as Savior and Lord
Ministry Leader
Sister Eleanor Tart
Nursery Caregivers
Sister Eleanor Tart
First Lady Jackie Jackson
Please note: All nursery caregivers are required to have a background check completed and on file prior to working in the nursery.